Every dimond, Every crystal, Every plant, Ever star has it's own individual soul -  (by Master Kuthumi - El Morya)





color: Green

chakra: All

effects: Soothes all chakras but especially 4th & 5th; balancing


color:  violet

chakra: 7th

effects: Spirituality & contentment; balances the intellectual, emotional, & physical bodies; peace; meditation; protection; sobriety


color: Violet or Yellow

chakra: none

effects( Violet ): Equilibrium & balance; meditation; disperses negativity; release physical, 

effects( Yellow): mental, emotional, & auric blockages; compatibility


color: any

chakra: none

effects: Centering; meditation; insight; discipline


color: green

chakra: 4th (heart) 

effects: Protects the heart; balance; motivation; decisiveness; instinct



color: blue

chakra: 5th (throat)

effects: Eases one to speak out, heals throat blockages and disease, soothes anger.


color: green

chakra: 4th (heart)

effects: Speeds clearing of negativity from the
emotional body. Has been used to rid the body of infection.


color: honey, red, orange

chakra: 3rd, 2nd,1st


HONEY 3rd chakra (solar plexus) Helps the mind and body remember information brought during astral travel and channeling

RED: 1st chakra (root) Helps one to be more grounded on the earth plane. Provides courage and the will to live.

ORANGE: 2nd chakra (belly) Aids in releasing old traumas held in the belly chakra. Clears negative karmic patterns.


color: orange

chakra: 2nd (belly)

effects: Analysis & precision; protection from negative emotions; stability; inquisitiveness; initiative; cleansing other stones; 1st through 4th chakras


color: Yellow

chakra: 3rd (solar plexis)

effects: Dissipates & transmutes negative energy; wealth; balance; 1st, 2nd, 3rd, & 7th chakras


color: red , orange

chakra: 2nd (belly)

effects: Change; intuition & reflection; energy boost


color: yellow

chakra: 6th (third eye)

effects: Enhances creativity; supports intellectual pursuits; stablises group energy; cooperation; connective structure of love between all; cholesterol, liver, mental discontinuity, & release of toxins


color: red

chakra: first (root)

effects: Stone of health; transmutes negative energy to beneficial; expands awareness & manifestation; creative power; responsibility; commitment; stimulates & balances Kundalini;emotional & intellectual regeneration; physical, mental, emotional, & spiritual stability; order from chaos; purification & cleansing; helpful in all conditions requiring regenerative forces


color: none

chakra: all

effects: Facilitates astral travel; assists with mathematics; aids in decision-making; communication skills; connection with higher forces/planes; helps with disorders of the hands, lungs, and nervous system


color: red & Silver

chakra: none

effects: Mental attunement; memory enhancement; original thinking; technical knowledge; mental and manual dexterity; calming; release of limitations; physicaly cooling; equilibrium between ethereal and physical; balancing of yin & yang; focusing energy &  emotions; dissolves and transforms negativity; peace, self-control, & inner happiness; meditation; grounding; tranquility; emotional clarity; helps with leg cramps, blood disorders, nervous disorders, & insomnia; helps bones, especially the spine.


color: white

chakra: none

effects: Calms communication; facilitates awareness; encourages emotional expression; discernment; memory; progress; eliminates hesitation; dispels criticalness, selfishness & facetiousness; eliminates pain, stress, & rage; subtlety & tact; balances calcium levels in the body


color: green

chakra: 4th (heart)

effects: Dream stone; stone of fidelity; brings realisation to ones potential & devotion to purpose; releases suppressed emotions; peace; access to the spiritual worlds; wisdom;confidence; helps the heart, hips, kidneys, spleen, skin, and hair


color: green

chakra: 4th, 5th, (heart & throat)

effects: Stone of transformation; clarifies emotions; release of negativity; insight into causes of physical or emotional conditions; equalising and balancing; responsibility; intuition; love and friendship; loyalty; dispels vertigo; aids spirituality and psychism; treats asthma, arthritis, swollen joints, tumors, growths, broken bones, torn muscles; heals the immune system; aids birth


color: white

chakra: 6th & 7th ( third eye & crown )

effects: Balancing; introspective; reflective; lunar; new beginnings; hoping and wishing; helps with change; intuition and emotion; alleviates emotional tension; enhances perception; cleanses negativity from the chakras; confidence, composure, and diplomacy; connects the physical, emotional, and intellectual bodies; traveller's stone; calmness; awareness; energetic balance; can alleviate degenertative diseases; birth; circulation; skin & hair


color: black

chakra: 1st (root)

effects: Because of its protective qualities, Obsidian is a good stone for those who are soft-hearted and gentle. It will help to guard them against abuse. This stone cleanses toxins from the liver, so it is also good for people who are exposed to
environmental pollutants.


color: black

effects/description: Onyx is an excellent stone for releasing negative emotions such as sorrow and grief, and therefore brings good fortune and helps in recognizing personal strength. This black colored stone helps in relaxation, and in facing various challenges in life, especially if one suffers from a lack of life energy and exhaustion. Onyx has served as a bead making stone for centuries. It harmonizes the physical with the spiritual and helps alleviate fears and worries as well as during periods of strong overwhelming emotions. This mineral helps us in our efforts to be balanced and in maintaining positive outlook at our life and environment. Onyx increases concentration and devotion, relieves tension especially in marital life.On the physical level in the crystal-healing, onyx helps in healing wounds, and during times of childbirth. It can be used in treating eye and ear problems, and in cellular regeneration. It strengthens the structural systems of the bones and teeth, hair, skin and nails. It boosts general endurance and self-control. This stone is very good in grounding, as well as in elimination and/or control of excess energy.

Onyx can be discharged under running water, twice a month. This stone can be charged together with rock crystal. Black onyx can be charged over night if left in a flower pot where it gains additional strength.


color: clear

chakra: all

effects: Quartz has been used for centuries, it provides for purification of the physical, mental, and spiritual bodies. Having a rich amplifying effect these crystals are perfect for healing work.


color: pink

chakra: 4th (hearth) 

effects: Promotes heart healing through self-love. Heals heartache and loneliness. Aids in opening the goddess within


color: red

chakra:1st (root)

effects: Qualitys of power, loyalty and courage. It protects from trouble, aids in love and passion, and is a focus of energy.


color: brown, black

chakra: 1st (root)

effects: It encourages earth awareness and responsibility. Aids in grounding while creating an acceptance of the body on the earth plane.


color: blue, indigo

chakra: 5th, 6th (troath & third eye)

effects: Alleviates fear. Calms and clears the mind. Slightly sedative, grounding. Cuts through density and illusion, bringing clarity and truth. Enhances communication, creative expression.


color: violet

chakra: 6th & 7th ( third eyes& crown)

effects: (or) LUVULITE: Third eye activator. Opens the connection between mind & body. It attunes one to their mental body to see what is creating the physical problem and in doing so, gain the healing power necessary to balance the physical body. Helps spiritually oriented individuals deal with the sometimes overwhelming negative energies present on the planet. A stone to use for children to keep the innocence, wisdom, and magic of the child's world as they grow into
adulthood. Also used to re-awaken those qualities in adults. Helps one connect with their own inner light.


color: Aqua

chakra 5th (throat)

effects: You will be very happy with the soothing color of these stones!! Heals this life and past life blocks in the throat chakra. Heals sadness and grief. Develops inner strength.


color: any

chakra: 1st (root)

effects: (All colors): Aids balance of endocrine system. Aids sleep. Strengthens, vitalizes body/mind. Acitvates and enhances crystaline properties of body/mind. Aligns subtle bodies. Dispels fear and negative conditions. Strong protective influence. Concentration, inspiration. Enhances sensitivity and understanding. Powerful healer, highly electromagnetic.